L’Est Républicain reports on the new premises inaugurated by VistaCare Medical (formerly DTA Medical), renamed on this occasion VistaCare Medical within the very recent Bio innovation building in Temis Santé in Besançon.
As soon as it was launched, the device, unique in the world, confirmed its great usefulness. Several fundraisings were carried out with various financiers on an online platform, Wiseed, and a grant of €400,000 was awarded by the Region in June 2021. The clinical trials have all been conclusive; at the inauguration, Gilles Vienot, a patient who benefited from treatment with VistaCare, was able to testify to this: “I knew François. He proposed his invention to me and I voluntarily went to Marseille, to the department of Pr Dominique Casanova, where the device was being tested. I had nothing more to lose. My leg stayed in the chamber for 14 days. I was given a new skin graft. The healing was complete five months later. DTA Medical allowed me to regain the use of my leg and my job.”
“Complete healing after five months.”
An opportunity finally arrived. “I knew François. He proposed his invention to me and I went to Marseille, voluntarily, in the department of Pr Dominique Casanova, where the device was being tested. I had nothing more to lose. My leg stayed in the chamber for 14 days. I was given a new skin graft. The healing was complete five months later. DTA Medical allowed me to regain the use of my leg and my job.”
To read the full article on L’EST Républicain click here.